10 April 2010

Oh wow... a long one...

Story time last Thursday was about dog mushing. The kids had a lot of fun meeting a dog and checking out the sled.

We participated in a scavenger hunt Friday and one of the things we needed was a Halloween greeting card... so I whipped this one up real fast. We had a lot of fun though running around ... I think the greatest was the pictures... We had to wear wigs and take a picture with smokey the bear, play twister in the bowling alley, wear diving fins at the playground... and so much more.

Madison is getting reading glasses. Christian thinks he needs them too... I couldn't help but giggle to myself when he tried on a pair. He looks so much like his daddy...lol

A new place for my craft stuff. I still have a ways to go but this is the start. I actually have an area dedicated to everything now. I started to paint the walls... but then couldn't bear to cover all the kids art. Especially since this is a room of inspiration and nothing inspires me more than my kids. The room is L shaped so on one end I have my cricut, computer, and sewing machine... things I use together a lot. I put all my fabric into the old wood toy chest and got under the bed cases for the kids toys.

The other end of the room is the paper area and a table for me to sit and do my cutting, stamping, and card making... most of the supplies which have been moved into the drawers of the huge case behind the table.

So it may not look like much... but if you look at what I came from...

Lol... yeah... what a mess!!

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